---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTERWOLF - DEVELOPED BY SORAKAIRI [DESCRIZIONE ARMI ED ARMATURE JEANNE D'ARC] { LA STRUTTURA DEL FILE DEI TESTI È LA SEGUENTE : } { - NOME ARMA/ARMATURA } { - DESCRIZIONE } NON SIETE IN NESSUN MODO TENUTI A TRADURLO PER INTERO, MA MAGGIORE SARÀ IL TESTO TRADOTTO, MAGGIORE IL CONTRIBUTO EFFETTUATO. QUANDO AVRETE TERMINATO, RICOLLEGATEVI ALLA WEBAPP : http://sorakairiwinterwolf.altervista.org/ DIRIGETEVI NELLA PAGINA DEL PROGETTO E CLICCATE SU "INVIA TESTO". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spada di Ferro Una classica spada di ferro per membri dell'esercito e mercenari. Attacco: +3 Rapier Una sottile e nobile spada, leggera abbastanza da essere impugnata da chiunque. Attacco: +6 Precisione: +10 Spada d'Assalto Una spada corta, dotata di buona portata. Ottima per soldati alle prime armi. Attacco: +14 Spada da Campione Una spada lunga, bella quanto maneggevole. Adatta ai cavalieri. Attacco: +26 Spada di Mithril Una spada lunga forgiata con prezioso mithril. La sua stupenda e lucente lama evidenzia la sua qualità. Attacco: +39 Spada del Drago Un'enorme spada con un'ampia lama affilata abbastanza da perforare la pelle di un drago. Attacco: +48 Purgatorio Potente spada imbevuta dei fuochi infernali. Difende chi la impugna dalla magia. Attacco: +42 Dif. Mag.: +20 MP: +20 Spada Paladina Splendida spada impugnabile solo da un cavaliere santo. La sua lama d'argento colpisce a fondo. Attacco: +50 Evasione: +10 Ammazzadraghi Una spada leggendaria imbevuta del sangue dei draghi. La sua lama tagliente è un bacio della morte. Attacco: +110 Durendal Una spada magica con un'impugnatura blu e una potenza terribile. Sferra danni critici ad ogni colpo. Attacco: +50 Critico: +95 Spada Economica Una spada poco costosa. La lama è curva ed è impossibile impugnarla. Spada del Guerriero Una grande spada a doppio taglio con un solido design. Mazza Un ramo duro di un albero recuperato dal terreno ed usato come arma. Attacco: +1 Spada del Cavaliere La spada di un presunto cavaliere che ha perso la vita. Una buona spada, ma la sua lama è consumata. Attacco: +2 Cuore Offuscato Una grande spada nella quale tutti i mali del mondo sono racchiusi. Leone Bianco La spada di Luther che usò nei suoi giorni da eroe. La sua imponente lama è capace di coprire il sole. Lancia da Soldato Una lancia standard con una distinta punta affilata. Facile da maneggiare. Attacco: +2 Lancia di Ferro Una lancia versatile di ferro con due punte alla testa dell'asta. Attacco: +5 Evasione: +2 Vanspear Una lunga asta fornita di una testa appuntita per assalti organizzati. Attacco: +12 Evasione: +4 Tridente Una lancia a tre punte come quella di Poseidone. Ideale per attacchi perforanti. Attacco : +24 Evasione: +5 Twin Enga Un'atipica lancia proveniente dall'Est. Attacco: +3 Evasione: +7 Lancia del Cavaliere Una lancia dorata impugnata da un abile cavaliere. La sua lama è splendente. Attacco: +47 Evasione; +8 Lancia del Drago Una lancia magica così chiamata per il nome della creatura da cui deriva. Attacco: +45 Att. Mag.: +20 Dif. Mag. : +20 Evasione: +8 MP: +10 Trucidademoni Una terribile arma forgiata con artigli di demone. Attacco: +55 Att. Mag: +10 Evasione: +8 Critico: +20 HP: +10 Lancia Antica Una lancia che non lascia scampo. Nella sua lama sono presenti antiche incisioni. Attacco: +50 Precisione: +20 Evasione: +8 Gae Bulg Una lancia dagli enormi poteri. Dotata di una lama blu affilata, è capace di spazzar via ogni ostacolo. Attacco: +100 Evasione: +10 Lingua di Serpente A lance with an eerily twisted spearhead akin to a snake's tongue. Its polished blade glows. Naga Langue Una lancia h an eerily twisted spearhead akin to a snake's tongue. Its bewitching luster makes it appear as if drenched. Lancia del Terrore A lance borne by knights who lost their lives but kept their oaths. Its once shining point now reflects only utter darkness. Ascia di Ferro A large, iron axe that is also used in everyday labors. Attack +5 Ascia Guerriera An axe made for combat. Upon its head is engraved the image of a ferocious warrior. Attack +10 Ascia del Clan A peculiarly-shaped broadaxe whose head is marred with an exaggeration of savage hexes. Attack +16 Spaccalegna A unique axe designed to smash, not hack. Just one swing can pulverize stone. Attack +32 Ascia Incantata An axe made from polished sorcerite, a magic mineral. Its uncanny glow is enchanting. Attack +48 Ascia Bipenne An axe whose forge-red blade wreaks all the horrific destruction of a mighty blaze. Attack +62 Ascia Gelante An axe whose chilly bite leaves a pernicious wound. Even the bearer feels its cold radiance to the bone. Attack +75 Accuracy -10 Ali Taglienti An axe shaped after a jinni. Its bearer gains the jinni's power and toughened physique. Attack +65 Defense +10 Tritaspiriti A beautiful axe under the protection of the spirits. Its blade rarely misses its mark. Attack +66 Accuracy +20 Lucifero The ultimate axe whose magic and ruin emerge from its starlit core. Attack +120 Magic Atk. +10 Magic Def. +10 MP +20 Orc Flail An orc's most trusty weapon. A spiked ball hangs from its chain. Shatterflail A larger orc flail with sharp, polished spikes and a creepier clink to its chain. Martello A hammer no dwarf should go without. It serves in the forge, on the battlefield, and just about anywhere else. Master's Hammer A hammer forged by expert dwarfsmiths. It is far, far heavier than it looks. Cudgel A gargantuan club carved from a tree trunk and lined with iron spikes. Bovimoth Axe A heavy, single-bladed axe usually wielded by bovimoths. Just lifting this is a task for anyone else. Gazelliath Helve A broadaxe with a long shaft and a double blade. It is designed for versatility in battle. Ceratoth Waraxe A large, destructive axe wielded by ceratoths, adorned with a traditional therion crest of protection. Arco Corto A small bow. What it lacks in power it makes up for in utility. Attack +7 Arco Tribale A wooden bow used by savages during hunting and ceremonies, fashioned after a beast's horn. Attack +13 Arco Solare A bow whose arrows someone prayed "might reach the sun." Its power is as noteworthy as its design. Attack +25 Ala del Demone An ominous bow reputedly made from a demon's wing. It sometimes defies the archer and misses its target. Attack +37 Accuracy -5 Arco Angelico A magical bow resembling a pure- white wing. Its wielder's arrows fly true, as though guided by an angel. Attack +45 Accuracy +10 Arco di Artemide A bow with splendid goldwork, blessed by the goddess of the moon. Its destructive force is unsurpassed. Attack +80 Arco del Cecchino A bow made of a special yew that allows for longer-range attacks. Arco Elfico A slender bow made from supple material. Daga A standard knife. Simple enough to use, but far from powerful. Attack +3 Critical +40 Daga Argentata A beautiful dagger of shining silver used in exorcisms. Attack +7 Critical +30 Daga di Fuoco An ornate, versatile dagger akin to a flickering flame. It sacrifices stealth in favor of lethality. Attack +16 Critical +20 Daga Velenosa A cursed knife that emits a venomous light. Its sharp point never misses its mark. Attack +25 Accuracy +10 Critical +30 Lama Assassina A coveted blade that lends its owner the speed of a trained killer. Attack +30 Accuracy +10 Mobility +1 Critical +50 Tsukikage A legendary dagger of incredible power. Its arresting, moon-like light can cleave darkness itself. Attack +70 Critical +60 Asta del Mago A staff made by polishing a twisted tree branch possessed of magic since days of yore. Attack +3 Magic Atk. +2 Asta di Cristallo A staff of the same color as the deepest lake. Assists in mental concentration. Attack +8 Magic Atk. +4 Asta Pesante A staff converted to a savage weapon by plating its head with heavy iron. Attack +19 Magic Atk. +7 Asta del Saggio A staff only a wise man may carry, set with a beautiful magic gem. Attack +25 Accuracy +5 Magic Atk. +10 Asta Salvifica A strange staff used in spellcraft. It wakens dormant strength within the body. Attack +30 Magic Atk. +15 HP +20 Caduceus A staff with sacred snakes entwined around it. Whoever holds it commands all magic. Attack +60 Magic Atk. +50 MP +50 Tocco Terrorizzante The hands of the dead, which are said to rob the living of vitality with the slightest contact. Gougers Gargoyle talons. Hard as rock and coarse like sandpaper. Artigli di Viverna The sharp clutches of a ruthless hunter. Artigli del Drago The talons of an enormous drake capable of rending steel to bits. Mani Nude An unarmed state. With naught else to wield, one must wield one's self! Artigli della Pantera Mawra's trusty claw weapon. Each slash is a thing of beauty...beneath which one can sense the cruelty of a wildcat silencing its prey. Guanti di Golem Thick limbs covered to the last centimeter with mysterious scrawl. Morsa del Diavolo The Fiend's whetted claws, bristling with magic. Black as sin, their tips tap out darkness itself... Veste Leggera Durable clothes made from a thick fabric that can withstand lengthy journeys and weaker attacks. Defense +1 Veste di Pelle Clothes with leather reinforcement in vital regions, used as light armor for militiamen. Defense +6 Armatura di Pelle Hard armor made by gluing layers of leather together. Sturdy armor that affords nimble movement. Defense +13 Evade -1 Cotta di Maglia Armor made by linking metal rings together. It offers good protection without interfering with movement. Defense +23 Evade -3 Armatura di Ferro Metal armor that covers the entire body. Offers excellent protection, but its weight hampers movement. Defense +34 Evade -3 Mobility -1 Giacca di Pelle A vest made from animal skins that absorbs the shock of attacks. Defense +9 Vestito di Seta A robe tailored from silk with a liquid shimmer. Very durable. Defense +17 Vestito Squamato Clothes made from the leather of a drake. The sturdy scales keep the wearer safe from harm. Defense +26 Veste del Saggio A robe under magical protection, donned by great men of wisdom. Defense +22 Magic Def. +20 MP +10 Armatura di Mithril Armor made with links of precious mithril. The metal's magic deflects hostile spells. Defense +42 Magic Def. +10 Armatura Infuocata Armor crafted from a collection of firedrake scales. Wondrous protection made from a wonder of nature. Defense +55 Evade -2 Giubba Adaman The gaudy suit of armor incarnated by Bedford's synthetic gems. It leaves little doubt as to the man's taste... Armatura Magica Armor with runic carvings beneath whose artistry lies solid protection from magic. Defense +28 Magic Def. +25 Evade -2 Armatura del Santo Holy armor that has been anointed. It has good defense and can ward off spells. Defense +35 Magic Def. +30 Evade -2 Veste Angelica A splendid pure-white robe blessed with seraphic protection. Defense +50 Magic Def. +35 Evade +10 MP +20 Veste Demoniaca A jet-black robe that gives the wearer diabolical power. Defense +40 Magic Def. +20 Accuracy +20 MP +20 Corazza di Sangue Howling armor stained in blackest black. Greatly amplifies the wearer's abilities. Talismano A ruby pendant once cherished by a girl who met a tragic fate. It has been burned black. Would that we could return it to its owner... Corazza d'Argento Holy armor with a silver gleam. Greatly amplifies the wearer's abilities. Corazza Rossa Cold-blooded armor stained a vivid red. Draws out the wearer's rage. Corazza Azzurra Armor that harbors madness within the calm. Looses the wearer like a beast upon the battlefield. Corazza di Luce Proud armor of divinely shining gold. Pushes the wearer's abilities to the limit. Corazza della Vita Benevolent armor imbued with life itself. Draws out the wearer's true power from within. Corazza della Via Unwavering armor ingrained with the laws of Heaven. Grants the wearer the power of God's messengers. Corazza del Sacrificio Venerable armor with an iron heart that knows no fear of death. Gives the wearer courage to shield others. Corazza dei Miracoli Armor reborn as the result of a future secured. Grants the wearer supreme power beyond any other. Suit of Reckoning Absolute armor that shines a noble gold. Greatly amplifies the wearer's abilities. Suit of Retribution Binding armor stained the color of a weighty destiny. Draws out the wearer's rage. Suit of Eternity Transcendent armor in which a bright, perfect white can be seen. Pushes the wearer's magic to the limit. Suit of Mistrals Boundless armor with a luster that reflects a beautiful sky. Greatly amplifies the wearer's abilities. Suit of Levin Resounding armor that reflects a night sky beyond the clouds. Draws out the wearer's rage. Suit of the Welkin Distant armor that reflects an endless sea of stars. Pushes the wearer's magic to the limit. Suit of Blood Howling armor stained in blackest black. Greatly amplifies the wearer's abilities. Suit of Portent Inexorable armor polished with the golden glare of false hope. Pushes the wearer's magic to the limit. Suit of Darkness Apocalyptic armor stained in the color of hearts devoured. Draws out the wearer's rage. Leather Skirt  A tough and lightweight skirt. For women only. Defense +10 Magical Dress An elegant dress woven with magical cloth that guards the wearer from spells. For women only. Defense +15 Magic Def. +10 Robe of Light A robe with a strange luster that shimmers brightly with even the most subtle motion. For women only. Defense +23 Magic Def. +15 Black Bustier A shiny leather top that provides ample protection...but oh so little coverage. This will get some looks! For women only. Defense +30 Goddess Armor Armor engraved with the goddess of war, who springs to life in the soul of its wearer. For women only. Defense +60 Magic Def. +40 Scudo A small, light shield with a pointy boss at its center. It frees up movement while still deflecting. Defense +2 Evade +5 Scudo Rotondo A circular wooden shield rimmed with iron. Lightweight, but still quite sturdy. Defense +6 Evade +8 Scudo di Ferro A thick, sturdy shield that has saved many a soldier's life. Defense +9 Evade +12 Scudo di Kite A solid shield carried by knights. A coat-of-arms is emblazoned on its front. Defense +16 Evade +16 Scudo Shield A large shield with a curved rectangular plate. As tall as a man, it affords excellent protection. Defense +25 Evade +20 Jinni Shield A shield favored by the ancient jinn that gives the bearer fighting strength. Defense +35 Evade +17 Attack +10 Sylph Shield A shield under faerie protection with fine goldwork depicting the wind. Defense +29 Magic Def. +10 Evade +16 Scudo Sacro The ultimate shield, surrounded by a divine light. Defense +40 Magic Def. +5 Evade +25 Magic Atk. +10 MP +20 Therion Shield A large iron shield favored by the therions. The sharp spikes about it lend it a frightening quality. Snakeskin Lash A whip made of supple snakeskin. Its vivid colors are truly striking to behold. Attack +7 Metal Whip A steel-reinforced whip. Every lash leaves a splendid design in its wake. Attack +20 Blade Whip A fearsome whip fitted with sharp blades. Those it catches are doomed; their squirms are their own undoing. Attack +28 Torturer's Lash  A whip with scarlet blades that sows cruelty in the wielder's heart. Its victims' cries are unbearable. Attack +37 Critical +20 Hammer Whip A bone-shattering whip made of hammer and chain. Its links can also deflect attacks. Attack +40 Defense +10 Evade +20 Rose Whip As pretty and delicate as a rose... but far thornier. This beauty will bed any foe...for good. Attack +70 Accuracy +3