---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINTERWOLF - DEVELOPED BY SORAKAIRI [SOTTOTITOLI VIDEO JEANNE D'ARC] { LA STRUTTURA DEL FILE DEI TESTI È LA SEGUENTE : } { - NUMERO DEL VIDEO } { - DIALOGHI } NON SIETE IN NESSUN MODO TENUTI A TRADURLO PER INTERO, MA MAGGIORE SARÀ IL TESTO TRADOTTO, MAGGIORE IL CONTRIBUTO EFFETTUATO. QUANDO AVRETE TERMINATO, RICOLLEGATEVI ALLA WEBAPP : http://sorakairiwinterwolf.altervista.org/ DIRIGETEVI NELLA PAGINA DEL PROGETTO E CLICCATE SU "INVIA TESTO". N.B : IL SEGUENTE TESTO NON È ESENTE DA SPOILERS. SI RAVVISA L'UTENZA INTENTA A TRADURLO DI FERMARSI QUALORA NON SI SIA GIOCATO PRECEDENTEMENTE IL GIOCO. PER COLORO CHE NON RIESCONO A COMPRENDERE IL PARLATO DEI VIDEO, È POSSIBILE TRADURRE IL TESTO CONTENUTI IN QUESTO FILE. LO SCRIPT CHE SEGUE È A CURA DI THEAQUALLAMA (GAMEFAQS). SEBBENE CONTENGA DEI PICCOLI ERRORI, NEL 99% DEI CASI LA TRASCRIZIONE DEI DIALOGHI È CORRETTA. I VIDEO PRECEDENTI SONO GIÀ STATI TRADOTTI DA ME IN PASSATO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene 15: The Coronation *church music playing* Priest: With this sacred oil consecrated by our mighty god above, the father in Heaven. We shall hereby, and forevermore aknight thee, (the dauphin's long french name), ruler of this great kingdom of France. Hence forewell thou shall defend our mother holy church, the people of France and all God's humble servants for so long as thout shall live. *cheering* Liane: Jeanne, if you're up there watching, I hope you can see all the great things we have accomplished. I swear that I will take up your name and save France! I will be brave, just as you would have been. Scene 16: Fallible Maiden Liane: *gasps* Onward! God himself has promised us victory! Liane: Jeanne... Jeanne... Jeanne! JEAAAAAAAAANE!!! Scene 17: Roger's Dream IV *Roger grunts* Roger: Dammit! Monster: Raaaaawr!!! *Bedford Chants* Roger: AAAHHHHH!!! Scene 18: The Voice's Source *Birds chirp* Luther: Jeanne... Jeanne! JEANNE! Jeanne: *gasps* Luther: Look above you. At last we meet. Scene 19: Tutelage Jeanne: *gasps* Luther: You have been chosen by the armlet. Focus all your senses together, have confidence the immense power within you, and then release it. Jeanne: *gasps* Luther: Do so and all obstacles will fall before you. These dark spirits shall test your fortitude, strike them all down! Scene 20: Sentanced to Burn Man: ...that the woman known as Jeanne La Puccelle did willfully and in modesty cut her hair and adapt the attire of a man, and continually so dishonoring the world through her bloodthirsty nature. Moreover she has rejected the laws of the church, choosing to submit herself only to her false visions of God. Liane: I never commited any such crime! Man: For this pernicious, sinful acts against our faith she shall hereby be denounced and declared an apostate of the church and heretic. Good Christians of war, see what before you this fine sorceress who declared herself to be your savior! Liane: I beg you, don't do this! Listen to me! I am not the woman that you think I am! Man: Do not allow the witch's mobery to sway you. Begone with her! Light the fire! Let her finally be judged by the one true god of France! Scene 21: Roger's Ire *Jeanne panting* Jeanne: No... Heaven above! Liane!! *cries* *gasp* Roger! Roger: Jeanne D'arc! How dare you show your face here! You left her! Why Jeanne?! It should have been you instead of Liane! *grunts* Jeanne: Roger! Gilles: What is wrong? Roger: *grunts* Gilles: Roger! Jeanne: Roger!! Reaper: RAAAAAAWR!! Gilles: What is happening? Jeanne: No!! *gasps* Scene 23: Bedford's Soldiers Jeanne: *gasps* Who sent you, why have you done this?! Give back the gem! Bedford: *laughs menacingly* So the one and only Jeanne D'arc. Hah! I am dissapointed, you seem so woefully inept when facing england's newest armoured warriors. Jeanne: Why not come down and find out for yourself?! I want that gem now! Bedford: Heh heh Scene 24: Paris Castle Levitated Henry: A question uncle dearest. Having all this staggering power at my fingertips has left me feeling twitchy. Would you mind terribly if I indulge just an eensy bit? Heh heh heh! *explosion* Henry: He he he he *explosions and screaming* Henry: Heh heh heh! Now I feel much better. Look at them scramblek, like ants without a hill! It makes me want to go out there and squish one of them! Can I? Please dear uncle? Bedford: You need only give the command sire, and your uncle will accompany you anywhere. Even to the darkest corners of the earth. Henry: Heh heh heh! Ha ha ha ha! Scene 26: The Plunge Jeanne: Well, here we go. Roger: Can you believe that we have made it? Just beyond these doors is the throne room of Henry IV. This is our chance to end this war. Jeanne: Right. Let's go! Roger: Jeanne, wait. Promise me something: after this we'll go home to Domrery. Jeanne: Fine, it's a promise. But first we must win! *team cheers* Scene 27: To Abaddon Jeanne: What?! Oh no! *everyone gasps* Jeanne: AAAHH! Roger: Jeanne! AAH! Gilles: After them! Quickly! La Hire: Raaawr!! Roger: What is this foul place? Gilles: The fiend's domain. We would be prudent to keep our wits about us. *all gasp* *Gilvaroth laughs menacingly* Gilvaroth: Such a shame your pathetic bracelets fail in comparison to my awesome power! Humans, your fate lies before the toes of a giant! Scene 29: Prayers (The last scene) Prince Henry: Thanks to you, I can finally return to my home in England! I wish I could repay you... Jeanne: Just make a promise to take good care of all of your subjects. La Hire: They do need you, little king. Prince Henry: Right! I promise I will! But... *cries* Prince Henry: Farewell Jeanne! Englishmen: Farewell! Cheers! Gilles: So I suppose this is where we all part ways... Jeanne: Sadly the village is not going to rebuild itself. Roger: Domremy will one day rise up from the ashes, in honor of the brave souls who died protecting it. La Hire: Oh, La Hire will miss his General. If things ever get hairy again... Gilles: And what could be hairier than you, my friend? *all laugh* Jeanne: Um, Gilles... Gilles: Yes Jeanne? Jeanne: The gem... Are you going to be allright? Gilles: Yes I will be just fine. This I am taking all the way to the grave. La Hire: Harr! And if our friend starts acting funny, La Hire will make sure to chomp him back to his senses! *chomps* *Gilles laughs* Richard: I shall be watching over him as well. Gilles: You hear that? They will surely keep me in line. Jeanne: Then I will lay my fears to rest. Well, goodbye my dear friends Gilles: Adieu La Hire: Fare thee well dear child. Richard: May the good lord watch over you always. Jeanne: Hmm! Roger, let us go home. Roger: Yes. Gilles: It is a good thing we stuck with Jeanne, no? La Hire: Eye! Richard: That young lady is a true emisary sent by the lord. Jeanne's father: Jeanne you have finally returned home, and you even brought Roger with you like I asked! Well, it took you long enough! Jeanne: Oh! Papa thank god you are alive! Jeanne's father: Yes, and I hear you've been quite busy saving France for us. That's my daughter! You've made your father a very proud man, I hope you know that. Jeanne: Papa! *cries* Villager: Look here! They have come home! Jeanne: But papa, how did you escape when the English attacked? Jeanne's father: We owe that to the insoles(?) at the festival, and they loaded us into their wagons and took us to safety. Jeanne: *sigh* I still cannot believe it. Roger: It is a second chance for us, Jeanne, to make sure Domremy never sees another day of war. *after credits* Jeanne: Liane...